Joined on 11/8/12
Go dude, go!!111!
You got the idea of this place down pat, bruh.
Thanks :) I've been thinking about the whole show for a while now...about 2 years. It's going well. I'm learning more every day about animation and I've also been trying to use backgrounds from Photoshop and patterns from Google to make it look a little more sophisticated. But when I was a kid (like 7-10) I use to read a lot of books by Arlene Debanevich and I really loved the artistic style. It was pretty simplistic, but I still love it even now. Grade A animation (like in ARCHER) isn't really what I'm going for though (although I do have tremendous respect for the animators of ARCHER). I'm more concerned with the writing and voice acting, because at the end of the day it's all about the story and the characters and where they end up. As long as I have a type of South-Parkish quality to it (animation-wise)...I'm happy. That may not please everyone, but you never can. I appreciate you being a fan of the show more than you know. Comedy is a really big part of my life. I love making people laugh and I know that if I keep trying more and more people will become fans too. Working on Episode 7 currently..."THE HALF COOL GUY" which I CAN"T WAIT to share with you guys. I'm story-boarding it right work...haha. The first part should be done in about a week.
Sucks I was ten, 15 years late on Flash. Used to try and do video stuff for a public access TV channel (like wayne's world), but the amount of editing using cassette tapes was a real killer, as was getting people to read my lines.
I'd definitely put a copyright date at end of your stuff though - never what kinda vultures are out there.
This series is my therapy. Working on it is an epic meditation that relieves me of all the stress life throws at me each day. I've always wanted to be an actor or involved with television/movie production somehow and this animated show that I'm writing is a way of living out that dream and Newgrounds allows me to share my goofy world with the rest of you. Though this series is ridiculous in many aspects (and believe me, I know it can be), there is a method to my madness. Things are being set in motion that will forever affect the lives of Iron Lung, Unkillable, The Steele Reserve, Smart Guy, and even...Tobey Maguire. The Wonder Squad series is really just my spoof on Harry Potter and all my favorite comic book movies. It has about nine parts in all, but I really just wanted to make Wonder Squad as a prequel show to IRON LUNG AND FRIENDS, which is a five season show I wrote this summer. It deals with the heroes living together in a type of Real World setting in Maine. They all work at a hotel because even though they're still trying to be superheroes (because they have their degree from Hero School), the team quickly realizes that the real world is not easy and they must work together in order to survive. That's what I really like about this show. Each character brings something different to the table and that's why they work so well. They are all flawed. Jordan (UK) is the tough guy who really is just searching for love. Bill is the Smart Guy even though he totally lacks common sense. He is searching for meaning in life and looks in all the wrong places. Steele Reserve is the 'wall' so to speak...being that she checks hers every thirty seconds on Facebook. She sets the boundaries for the group even though she's entirely unstable. Tobey is the outsider. He's had a very traumatic life. After his parents left him his Uncle died and then is Aunt got shot so he was adopted by Kevin Bacon and made his servant. Tobey is the perfect mole and he can 'act' like anyone (cough) even though he suffers from PTSD. He also is on several anti-anxiety medications including Zanex to help deal with his several jobs he must keep in order to live on his own. No one really wants to live with him after Hero School, but he is still an ally to Iron Lung and Friends. Then there's Iron Lung...sitting at his laptop...smoking his joints...taking it all in...thinking about Captain Crunch.